PGO ensures execution of court sentence on special confiscation of UAH 195 mln laundered in drug trade

Prosecutors of the Prosecutor General's Office (PGO) ensured the execution of a verdict on a special confiscation of UAH 195 million from an organized criminal group that was selling drugs on the territory of other states via the Internet.
"The pretrial investigation established that one of the members of the criminal organization was for the legalization of funds illegally obtained from the sale of narcotic drugs. On February 25, 2020, on the basis of an agreement, the court issued a verdict, which found him guilty of all the alleged crimes," the press service of the Prosecutor General's Office said on Tuesday.
According to the verdict, the funds that were laundered from the drug trade were subject to special confiscation.
"After the verdict entered into force, these funds were transferred to the state budget in July 2020," the statement says.
The PGO said about UAH 9 million were previously confiscated from members of this organized criminal group.