12:24 19.01.2021

Center for Conservation of Archaeological Objects appears in Kyiv

1 min read
Center for Conservation of Archaeological Objects appears in Kyiv

The Center for Conservation of Archaeological Objects has officially appeared in Kyiv, the priority areas of which will be research and development of scientific documentation of archeological monuments in Kyiv, First Deputy Head of the Kyiv City State Administration Valentyn Mondrievsky said.

"The primary task of the institution will be to process historical values ​​that were found during archeological excavations at the Poshtova Square. The work will be carried out in close cooperation with the Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and its Kyiv expedition," the press service of Kyiv City Council quotes Mondrievsky.

The Center will also conduct activities for the conservation of archaeological objects, experimental research, develop and implement in practice of conservation and restoration of archaeological objects, monuments of urban planning, architecture and monumental art, their survey and research.

"There are no similar institutions and opportunities in Ukraine for qualified conservation and museification of archaeological finds. This is especially true for wooden artifacts. The Center's specialists will use mostly foreign experience. Our main task is to preserve all artifacts found during archaeological research," director of the Department of Cultural Heritage Protection Oleksandr Nykoriak said.