Court puts Medvedchuk under house arrest until July 9

Pechersky District Court of Kyiv has released MP of Ukraine Viktor Medvedchuk under round-the-clock house arrest.
"In satisfying the petition [the petition of the investigation to choose a measure of restraint for Medvedchuk in the form of detention with an alternative to bail] [...] refuse [...] apply [...] a measure of restraint in the form of round-the-clock house arrest," the court ruling says.
During the trial, the defense first asked not to choose any measure of restraint, since, in their conviction, the suspicion had not been properly served. Subsequently, the lawyers told the court that if the court deems it necessary to choose a preventive measure, then it could be a surety of the MPs. The parliamentarians have written the relevant statements.
During the trial, investigating judge Viacheslav Pidpaly asked a number of questions to the prosecution, in particular, regarding the evidence of the validity of the suspicion, the establishment of the amount of damage caused by Medvedchuk's actions, as well as the motivation for establishing the amount of bail as an alternative to arrest.
Medvedchuk will remain under arrest until July 9, 2021 inclusively. Medvedchuk is also banned from leaving the city and region of Kyiv without permission of the investigator and the prosecutor, must inform the investigator and the prosecutor about any change in his home address or place of work, and refrain from speaking to suspects and witnesses.
The court also ordered Medvedchuk to submit documents for traveling abroad and wear an electronic means of control (bracelet).
As reported, on May 11, MPs of Ukraine of the Opposition Platform - For Life faction Viktor Medvedchuk and Taras Kozak were notified on suspicion of high treason and attempted plunder of national resources in the Russia-occupied Crimea. According to Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova, the suspicion concerns three episodes of illegal activity and cooperation with the aggressor country.
According to the inquiry, in 2015 Medvedchuk conspired with a Russian government official regarding the mining of fossil fuels on the Black Sea shelf. The second count involved passing intelligence which constituted a state secret to Russian security services. The third count relates to anti-Ukrainian subversive activities, in particular, devising the anti-Ukrainian Luch project.
On May 12, Medvedchuk arrived at the Prosecutor General's Office to read a copy of the indictment and said he had no intention to abscond and that his case was politically motivated.
Kozak is currently in Russia, according to data from Ukrainian law enforcement agencies.
At the bail hearing, the prosecutor asked the judge to remand Medvedchuk in custody as a measure of restraint or set the bail to UAH 300 million.