Berkovsky: I see no legal grounds for canceling UCF Supervisory Board's decisions

Executive Director of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation (UCF) Vladyslav Berkovsky sees no legal grounds for canceling the decisions of the Foundation's Supervisory Board.
"Nothing is impossible in our life. Now we see that a partial rotation has already begun. At least three members of the Supervisory Board have resigned. I do not know whether everyone else give credence to such proposals and calls, because each of them personally accepts such decisions. In any case, there will be co-optation, and we can already say that after that there will be new members and the Chairman of the Supervisory Board," Berkovsky said in an exclusive interview with Interfax-Ukraine, answering the question whether he considers it necessary to reboot the Supervisory Board of the UCF.
He noted that at the moment he himself needs to work a little in order to understand why the current Supervisory Board made certain decisions, since now he has a lot of contradictory information from different sides.
"At the moment, according to the current legislation, I do not see legal grounds for canceling decisions. What way, if the current regulatory framework does not provide for this? If it is a court decision, then it is possible. But so far I do not see such a prospect," the executive director stressed.
As for the format of the work of the UCF Supervisory Board, Berkovsky said that he likes the format when everyone is responsible for the decisions made by the Fund.
"But there are pros and cons in each approach. Therefore, taking the office, I see it as a task for myself to try to find a middle ground so that the cultural environment is satisfied. Although, we perfectly understand that you will not please everyone, there will always be those who are dissatisfied, especially those who lose. But we should explain even to those who lose why this happened and what the mistakes were. On the other hand, there should be the Supervisory Board's subjectivity in deciding on the allocation of large funds, the members of the Supervisory Board should be aware that they are taking responsibility," he declared.
When asked whether it is necessary to introduce a mechanism for monitoring the work of the Supervisory Board, as well as a mechanism for initiating its dissolution, and the recall of individual members, Berkovsky replied that a balanced solution should be sought on these issues.
"The main idea that was laid in the creation of the Ukrainian Cultural Fund is the creation of an independent structure, the task of which is to analyze and finance projects that are developed by the cultural environment and aimed at developing the diversity of our culture. And the law was developed so that the organization could be as independent as possible. Now the situation is the following: certain restrictions are put in relation to the changes that are proposed. We are starting to build 'red lines', and at the moment society is actually right that such lines are needed. But there is another side. If talking about the early dissolution of the Supervisory Board, then the question immediately arises: who will have such a right? And whoever such a right has, for whose purposes he will use such a right?," he added.
As for the introduction of the procedure for recalling individual members of the Supervisory Board, Berkovsky noted that in this way it is possible to create a precedent that later it will be used to the detriment.
As reported earlier, UCF experts signed an open letter to the Prime Minister and the Minister of Culture demanding to facilitate the dissolution of the Fund's Supervisory Board and cancel its decision on projects with high ratings.