Sytnyk: HACC's verdicts against 14 persons with real imprisonment already enter into force

Despite attempts to influence the judges of the High Anti-Corruption Court (HACC), the HACC has already passed 14 verdicts with a real term of imprisonment, Director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) Artem Sytnyk has said.
"Today we already have dozens of sentences of the anti-corruption court, sentences that are associated with real imprisonment. Some 11 sentences against 14 persons have already entered into force," the NABU director said on Monday at a press conference in Kyiv.
According to him, there are sentences that have entered into force against four judges, four heads of large state enterprises, two officials of the prosecutor's office, one of whom is an employee of the Prosecutor General's Office, and two heads of local self-government bodies.
Sytnyk added that about 300 cases are pending in court.
"When making decisions, the anti-corruption court is faced with attempts to influence judges [...] For example, when the issue of extending the investigation period in the case of Kyiv District Administrative Court was being decided, on the same day the High Council of Justice cynically considered the case against the presiding judge in this case and, in fact, brought him to disciplinary responsibility for nothing. The system of pressure on the HACC has already been launched," he said.
In this context, the NABU director pointed out that the productive work of the HACC will largely depend on the implementation of the law on the High Council of Justice and the law that will unblock the work of the High Qualification Commission of Judges.