Ukraine negotiating local content in manufacturing COVID-19 mRNA vaccines – Liashko

Ukraine is discussing the local content in manufacturing mRNA vaccines for COVID-19 in the country, Health Minister Viktor Liashko said.
"In the future, we have agreements on the local content of other vaccines, we are negotiating the manufacture of an mRNA vaccine on the territory of Ukraine. By the end of this year, we will have a clear understanding of how to establish all these processes [...] mastered the technology and became involved in the worldwide scientific progress on mRNA vaccines and not only on mRNA," Liashko told the Word and Deed online publication.
He also said that Ukraine intends to become a "pharmaceutically independent state." The Ministry of Health has already prepared a draft of the first hundred medicines, critical if all borders are closed, as happened in 2020.
According to Liashko, the Health Ministry should provide a full cycle of their manufature. Medicines should include immuno-biological agents and antibiotics.