In 2022, SBI exposes crimes at customs caused UAH 400 mln damage to govt

In 2022, the State Bureau of Investigations (SBI), despite its priority in investigating crimes against the foundations of national security, continued consistent and systematic work to combat criminal offenses in the customs sphere.
"In total, in 2022, SBI officers investigated 576 criminal proceedings for crimes in the customs sphere, as a result of which 156 persons were suspected, and 110 indictments were sent to court against 119 people. In the completed criminal proceedings, the SBI established the amount of damage to the state, exceeding UAH 372 million. As a result of the active work of the SBI, at the end of the year, it was possible to increase the receipt of customs payments to the state budget of Ukraine by UAH 1 billion," the SBI press service said.
It is noted that the investigation of crimes at customs is an extremely important area of work of the State Bureau of Investigations, because even in peacetime, revenues to the budget from customs payments and the efficient operation of customs are the key to the healthy functioning of the state. During the course of the war, the investigation of these offenses becomes an important element in increasing the country's defense capability.