Podoliak proposes to create military patrols to protect grain corridor, not to beg aggressor

Advisor to the head of the President’s Office of Ukraine, Mykhailo Podoliak, considers it desirable to provide grain corridors with military patrols.
“Instead of issuing a mandate for appropriate legal action, ensuring military patrols of grain corridors along internationally recognized borders, and pointing out to Russia that it is unacceptable to obstruct the movement of ships under international law, the session of public humiliation and begging the aggressor and violator to show some inclination continues. Whether there will be those willing to create a conditional patrol police is another question,” he said on Twitter Monday.
“The main thing is to make it clear that international law exists and must not be violated. And then hypocrisy will gradually disappear from political processes and we will be able to reach a fair ending,” he said.