Ukraine signs Ljubljana-Hague Convention on Cooperation in Prosecution of Intl Crimes

Ukraine has signed the Ljubljana-Hague Convention, which is the basis for international cooperation in the investigation and prosecution of war and other crimes, Deputy Minister of Justice Iryna Mudra said.
"Today I had the honor to sign the Ljubljana-Hague Convention on behalf of Ukraine. This is an important step for our country and the beginning of the path towards introducing a mechanism of comprehensive and inevitable responsibility for international crimes," Mudra said on Facebook on Wednesday evening.
The deputy minister said this Convention is the basis for international cooperation in the investigation and prosecution of crimes against humanity, crimes of genocide, war crimes and other international crimes.
Ukraine also calls on other states to join the Convention and act together to quickly bring criminals to justice.
"Personally, I would like to thank the president for his trust to sign this document. For me, this is extremely important, because our team works every day to develop tools that will help Ukraine punish the war criminals of the aggressor country," Mudra said.
She recalled that on May 29, 2023, in Slovenia, together with delegations of more than 80 participating countries, the text of "a multilateral treaty on the international fight against impunity for persons who have committed the most serious crimes in violation of international law and international humanitarian law" was agreed upon.
The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and the Prosecutor General's Office worked on the text of the Convention.