Housing subsidy for non-heating season for most Ukrainians to be reassigned automatically – Ministry of Social Policy

Housing subsidies for the non-heating season will be reassigned automatically for most Ukrainians, the Ministry of Social Policy reports.
"The housing subsidy for the heating season is assigned until its end date, until April 30 inclusive [until April 15 inclusive, the heating service is accrued]. And from May you can receive a subsidy for the non-hating season. For most recipients it will be assigned automatically [if the data have not changed about the property status and/or composition of households]. That is, if you are already a recipient of a housing subsidy, you do not need to apply anywhere else and you do not need to make any additional applications. The pension fund, based on existing data, will list the amount of the subsidy to which the family/household is entitled," the ministry's press service said in a statement.
At the same time, the department noted that there are certain categories that will be assigned a subsidy from May 1 upon their application and declaration of income and expenses.
In particular, a personal appeal to the Pension Fund should be made if: the applicant (household member) rents residential premises for which he pays housing and utility services; there are internally displaced persons in the household; the number of registered persons actually living in the household is less than the number of registered persons; the household applies for a housing subsidy for the purchase of liquefied gas, solid and liquid heating household fuel.
Persons who are entitled to payment, but during the heating season the subsidy was assigned in the amount of UAH 0.00, should also contact the Fund.
"Please note that even if you submitted an application within two months from the beginning of the non-heating season, the subsidy will be assigned from the beginning of such a season," the Ministry of Social Policy emphasized.