International European University has launched its own media project along with Kyiv TV channel

In a modern globalized world, the transformation of social and economic relations results in structural changes on the labor market, which requires the update of its regulation mechanism. Economic globalization triggers such qualities of the contemporary youth as creative and analytical thinking, creativity, cognitive flexibility, ability to solve complex tasks, initiative, media and information literacy. Therefore, the economic growth can be gained only by training the young generation adaptive to rapid changes and severe competition on the labor market.
International European University cares about its students, their internship and learning from true professionals, as gained experience will provide them with future career prospects.
All this has inspired the university to set up a media project called IEU Interns shot together with Kyiv TV channel. The project is aimed at highlighting the educational and practical process, continuous professional development of future doctors.
This education institution combines progressive approaches to study, European views and experience of numerous generations. It is founded by a representative of the Habsburg dynasty that has significantly contributed in the development of European and global education.
FRANZ VOLODYMYR VON HABSBURG-LOTHRINGEN, the Grand Duke of Austria and President of International European University, talks about the idea of establishing the university:
“My ancestors were involved in the construction of various types of universities throughout Europe. One of the famous universities built by order of Franz Joseph is Chernivtsi National University. We frequently discussed the foundation of a similar institution in Ukraine. The oldest university and the young one. So, we came up with the idea of establishing a university with a brand-new principle of education and approach to training. I invite our friends from Europe and involve our friends, partners and colleagues in Ukraine. We discuss various ways of cooperation with different European universities to make our institution take a worthy position in the Ukrainian educational system,” FRANZ VOLODYMYR VON HABSBURG-LOTHRINGEN.
One of the university advantages is the Development Council that constantly works on the advancement of the educational process, gives suggestions on the affordability and high quality of education. It is headed by ANATOLII TOLSTOUKHOV, a Ukrainian public official and scientist:
“I would like this University to be associated with two words: modernity and prospects. And to make this modernity correspond to prospects. I would like everyone to realize that arriving in Ukraine is a milestone in the life of students who have already come from more than 90 countries. It should be considered as relations between Ukraine and another country. Just imagine that these people say after returning home, “I’ve been in a wonderful country.” When their children grow, they will tell them, “Learn from your mother and father, and choose International European University in Ukraine,” ANATOLII TOLSTOUKHOV says.
The episode shows the whole cycle of practical training at the best Kyiv-based clinics, allowing students to fully immerse into their profession.
Alla Navolokina, the First vice-rector of IEU, believes that the greatest advantage of the university is students’ preparation for life:
“IEU is a European, Ukrainian and Austrian project. It is here, in Kyiv, where we have initiated studying in the European style, within European traditions and values. We’re also adopting a student-centered approach. We focus on students, on their needs after graduation. Our institution extensively cooperates with employers, involving them in pregraduate and postgraduate education. I think that the greatest advantage of our university is students’ preparation for life,” ALLA NAVOLOKINA stresses.
It’s so great to see the university allowing its students to learn and advance. New equipment, internship at hospitals in Kyiv and other countries, a possibility to talk to foreign students and representatives of other states, which improves the English proficiency. Students are happy to study at this university. It’s a huge step towards the future for them.
SVITLANA DOAN, the Vice-rector for postgraduate education and continuous professional development, reveals new admission rules of the internship program and the rating allocation for all interns:
“We have adopted the rating allocation of interns according to specialties. The rating is based on students’ performance consisting of the overall grade after completion of the Master’s program, as well as the results of KROK exams, integrated licensed exams for medical students. Based on this rating allocation, each student will choose one of the five specialties suggested in his or her application. Besides, future interns should choose a place of undergoing theoretical and practical training, i.e., choose an education institution and a clinical base. Interns can monitor research conducted at the laboratory, examining the whole chain from designing, barcoding of samples, to their placement on the machine board, processing of tests, interpretation, validation and verification of research findings. It’s quite interesting to follow this path from beginning to end,” SVITLANA DOAN.
IEU organizes practical training at the best clinics for students in all specialties, invites leading experts and provides state-of-the-art material and technical facilities. Interns pass a hard but interesting and intense path in order to become true professionals of their craft.
AMARA-NWOSU PRECIOUS CHIMEREMMA, a student of IEU, shares her impressions about studying:
“I’m from Nigeria. I chose this education institution because it provides knowledge at the highest level. IEU can boast excellent communications between students and lecturers, as well as plenty of cutting-edge learning equipment. I recommend this university to everyone, as you’ll be able to not just receive knowledge but also enjoy an amazing period of your life,” AMARA-NWOSU PRECIOUS CHIMEREMMA.
While students develop their skills and grow professionally, their education institution does not rest on its laurels. The young university advances, taking into account the demands and requests of its students who are actively engaged in its development and improvement of the educational process. Oleksii Kulikov, the Vice-rector for educational and scientific work and strategic development of IEU, tells us about a possibility to select disciplines:
“It is a university that meets all current challenges, i.e., material and technical facilities and the academic staff of our university provide high-quality knowledge that will be competitive on the labor market. Besides, our students are able to choose elective disciplines, which allows them to enhance their skills in activity areas where they will work after graduation,” OLEKSII KULIKOV.
Well, International European University ensures incredible student life of future professionals and makes their dreams of becoming highly experienced doctors and exploring their favorite branch of medicine come true. The university’s philosophy includes comprehensive development and fulfilment of the potential and talents of each student.