10:04 03.06.2024

On June 12, forum "Grain. Pigs. Meat"

2 min read

Grain - Pigs - Meat is a value chain that can increase the added value of up to 6 billion euros per year and even more, as opposed to grain exports, which leave almost no added value in Ukraine.

The Forum of the same name "Grain. Pigs. Meat - 2024" will be held in Kyiv on June 12.

Mykola Babenko, chairman of the Forum's organizing committee and head of the Meat Industry Association and the Center for Efficiency Improvement in Livestock, said: "There are many mechanisms for filling the budget with taxes. Stimulating the production of industries with high added value is the best one, we are convinced of that. For example, grain exports bring almost nothing to the budget, while grain processing into bioethanol, feeding pigs with bioethanol production waste, and pork exports account for hundreds of percent of added value in Ukraine, billions of euros on the same grain that is exported. Six billion euros of added value can be gained annually by Ukraine's economy just by quadrupling the number of pigs in Ukraine to the level of 1991."

Stimulating the development of high value-added industries, such as pig and meat production, could provide an alternative domestic market for Ukrainian grain. Currently, the pig industry consumes only 2 million tons of grain, but it is capable of consuming 10 million tons annually.


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