13:04 08.05.2023

Ukraine adopts state standard on injection of biomethane into gas networks – RGC

2 min read
Ukraine adopts state standard on injection of biomethane into gas networks – RGC

The state-owned enterprise Ukrainian Research and Training Center for Standardization, Certification and Quality Problems has adopted the state standard for the injection of biomethane into distribution and trunk gas networks, developed based on the EU standard, according to a press release from the Regional Gas Company (RGC) on Monday.

"This is the basic technical standard of the EU, used to determine the requirements for the quality of biomethane and the content of chemical compounds in it. Now DSTU EN 16723-1: 2023 "Natural gas and biomethane for use in transport and biomethane for injection in the natural gas network" has become part of Ukrainian legislation," the RGC, which initiated and financed the development of the document, said.

As stated in the press release, technical conditions will be issued based on the standard for the connection of biomethane plants to gas distribution networks.

"The standard is nationwide in Ukraine, that is, all network operators can use it in their work. It is important from the point of view of market development and technical improvement of procedures and regulations, which has always been one of the key goals of the RGC as a production and technology company," the RGC said.

As emphasized by the company, the unification of biomethane quality requirements with the European standard is an important step to create conditions for exporting biomethane to European countries and further integration of gas markets.

"Biomethane is a sustainable decarbonized type of energy, and Ukraine, being at the beginning of market development, should lay the foundation for development in line with the accepted EU standards," the RGC said.

According to Head of the RGC decarbonization department Ihor Hotsyk, biomethane, due to its origin, contains components not found in natural gas – for example, silicon, ammonium, and fluorinated compounds, which can affect the gas distribution system.

"Until recently, Ukrainian legislation did not take into account these specific qualities of biomethane," Hotsyk said.

The technical committee for standardization of the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, with the participation of specialists from JSC Zhytomyrgaz and the RGC technical committee, was involved in the development of the standard.

The document will enter into force on November 1, 2023, the RGC said.