17:24 23.05.2024

First convicts released from serving sentence for mobilization to front

3 min read
First convicts released from serving sentence for mobilization to front

Khmelnytsky City District Court has issued the first rulings on the mobilization of convicts: two residents of Khmelnytsky region who were serving a sentence for theft were released on parole for military service, the court's press service said on Thursday.

"Khmelnytsky City District Court started considering the first petitions of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine operating in the region on the release of convicts from serving their sentences for military service and the establishment of administrative supervision over them," it said in a statement on the court's website.

According to the court, on May 21, two petitions were received from Khmelnytsky Pretrial Detention Center, which were considered in an open remote court hearing via videoconference.

"Both convicts expressed a desire to perform military service under a contract that meets the requirements for military service under a contract, defined by Article 21-5 of the law of Ukraine on military duty and military service," it said.

The volunteers are men born in 2000 and 1981, and are residents of the villages in Khmelnytsky and Krasyliv districts, Khmelnytsky region.

"Both were sentenced, in particular, for theft in line with Article 185 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine before the war, in October and November 2022, respectively, for four years and nine months and for five years and five months," the court said.

The text of the court rulings specifies that each of the men is fit for military service for health reasons, has passed professional and psychological selection, and has a sufficient level of physical fitness to perform the assigned duties.

Thus, the petition of each individual convict, supported by the prosecutor and a representative of Khmelnytsky Pretrial Detention Center, was granted.

"The court ordered the State Institution of Khmelnytsky Pretrial Detention Center to immediately, but no later than 24 hours after the rulings entered into force, release the men on parole early from serving their sentences to perform military service under a contract, transfer them to units of the National Guard of Ukraine for delivery to Khmelnytsky United City Territorial Center for Recruitment and Social Support for concluding a contract and performing military service," the press service of the court said.

The court also ordered administrative supervision over the men for a period of one year, but no longer than until their dismissal from military service. Such supervision will be carried out by the commanders of the military unit, under whom they will serve under contract.

Among the restrictions is a ban on being outside the location of a military unit and traveling on personal business without the permission of the commander.

At the same time, the court noted that an appeal against court rulings that are subject to immediate execution can be filed with Khmelnytsky Court of Appeal within seven days.