Vereschuk: Having initiated Summit on Peace, Ukraine has done its homework, now it's up to intl community to respond

Having initiated the Summit on Peace, Ukraine had its say, now it is up to the international community to respond on what to demand from Russia, Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Iryna Vereschuk, who is also the Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories and the Head of the Interdepartmental Commission on the Application and Implementation of International Humanitarian Law, said.
"Ukraine has done its homework. How should the global community respond now?.. I really look forward to the world finally finding the strength within itself and responding. And they know the answer, it is the only one: Russia must withdraw outside our borders," she told the Interfax-Ukraine News Agency on Monday at the 2nd summer school on international humanitarian law for civil servants, organized by the Ukrainian Red Cross.
According to Vereschuk, Russia must sit down at the negotiating table, "as a negotiator, not a winner," and begin to negotiate with the entire civilized world.
"By assaulting Ukraine, Russia assaulted the civilized world... It assaulted all international humanitarian law, all UN institutions, everything that was built after World War II," she said.